This article is dedicated to my beloved A9 team in IESE class 2011.


Being a member in team A9 has been one of the most blessed things in IESE.



但一年快過去了,到了第三學期其他組或是分崩離析,早已停止morning meeting,我們卻還是天天開早會;回頭一看,其實我們的team 很可愛。


I still remember the first day we met in the team building, I did not expect a lot from this team as the goal of the training was to take care of those who did not speak a lot in the team, we overthrew the key man’s idea and failed. People tended to have eagerness to express their answers and come out with the result to quickly!

A year passed, we achieved a lot and performed quite well in most projects.We still keep the morning meetings. I just found out, man, we are an awesome team !



莎賓納(簡稱賓姐)是個非常聰明台灣女生,總給人一種溫柔中含韜了一種洞見。我的考試都靠她罩,特別是會計這類一堆數字的東西。我記得第一學期我們倆一起負責做leadership的期末報告,投影片最末了我們寫了一句"上善若水"及英文翻譯,說明領導人必須要謙卑如流水。報告贏得滿堂彩! 若是和其他國籍的同學,恐怕就無法在中國文學上做些文章了。


Sabrina is another Taiwanese student in the team. Accordng to IESE policy, 2 persons of the same nationality shouldn’t be in the same team. But this accident brought about a lot of advantages for me as mandarin discussions are much more efficient for us.


She looks young and modest and in fact she is very smart. She could always see into the core of the things. She is so good in those things with calcuations that I could not imagine how much accounting, finance would become without her help. I will talk a little bit more about her when I introduce the Taiwanese sections.


Salone 來自印度,出身銀行業,也去過非洲做過NGO。他是 team裡最年輕的成員,最調皮的成員,求勝心最旺盛的成員。記得第一次team building,九個組必須要在巴塞隆納市區走完九個點,他一路快步走在最前面,馬不停蹄的往前衝,都忘了後面還有兩三個挺著大肚楠的老男人流著汗拼命追趕。最後我們拿第一了,但大家都累死了,隔天一問,其他team根本沒走完全程,大都走一半就去酒吧裡喝啤酒(不過後來分裂的也多半是這 些team)。


今年二月時,我們正在感做一份marketing project,她突然提議要吃中國菜,我便帶著大家去吃火鍋,吃到一半,Salone抱著蛋糕出現了!原來她是故意為我預備慶生會,當下我真的很感動!

漸漸發現她人其實很棒,只是話多做事又急,有時有點沒大沒小,但有困難時,她還是很願意體諒一下,伸出手幫忙! 之前閒聊,我說自己的經濟學和財務因為之前面試的關係,翹了很多課,現在有點跟不上,她便第一個說可以幫我複習,雖然之後因為個人懶惰的緣故這事沒成,但點滴之恩,已在我心。

Salone, from India, has a banking industry background and also been in some NGO projects if I remember correctly. She is the youngest, naughtiest, most ambitious among the team.She is so outstanding that she got 5 offers from investment banks for the internship !

I recalled that in one of the tasks for team building , we have to go through 9 spots in downtown Barcelona. Salone was the one rushing ahead and making most decisions. Our team was the first but also the most exhausted ones. The second day, we found out most of the teams didn’t even complete the task but were having beer half way round.

Quick pace, decisive and sometimes talkative, Salone was a little bit hard for me to reach at first. Besides, she’s really good at making fun of people. You gotta watch out your loggin computer if she’s around, coz the next minute the entire team will have porn spam from your email. 

But she moved me as well. This February, she proposed a dinner in the Chinese restaurant, and that we were doing that by having hotpot food, she showed up half way with a cake – a planned surprise for my birthday. It was kinda of warm inside me at that moment. 

I really like her, besides the spams, I found her actually nice and full of energy. She is the core of all fun in our team !



Karim出生於黎巴嫩,未婚妻是埃及人,Karim人生的一半在黎巴嫩,另一半在加拿大,是一個東正教徒。出身顧問業 ,聰明,特別是對策略管理最有概念。

我記得第一天見他,他滿臉鬍渣,濃眉大眼,一付窮凶惡極的樣子。但他私底下是很好笑低~,特別是喝醉的時候,會用很茫的眼神斜歪著走路。他是 Salone最愛的作案對象,有幾次他的書包被Salone藏了起來,他知道後也只是笑一笑,他從來不介意別人開他玩笑。有次我們在討論multi culti(參見前文)各國同學要表演的項目,Salone就問黎巴嫩要表演甚麼,猶太人Gaby就說了一句"表演自殺炸彈嗎?" 大家都笑成一團,連他自己也是。

他是個很聰明的人,卻又沒有一般Consultant的那種傲氣(本班許多某大公司出身的 consultant大多不太討喜),非常隨和,也非常謙虛,記得有次他對做某個報告的投入程度和組內有差異,言語上有點僵,第二天他馬上道歉,並且願意順從組上多數決策。

Karim was born and Lebanon and lived some years in Canada. Engaged and came from consulting firms.

I recalled the first day, he was unshaved and showed a little serious. But actually he was very funny especially when he took a bit of beer (As shown in this pix). He took jokes lightly and had a nice temper. Before multi-culti, he was asked what Lebanon was to perform for the party, someone just poked, “ car bomb?”, the entire team was laughing and so was he.  He wasn’t pissed off but indeed enjoyed this joke!

He is smart for sure, but he never had that strong opinion which some consultants have. Easy going , modest and humble!  I would day --

“A person with wolverine’s appearence with a likable personality”


Sergio, 西班牙馬德里人,今年一月升格當了爸爸。

Sergio是個很神奇的傢伙,神奇之處就是他可以獨立作業,作的仔細又精確,甚至可以一心二用。有次我們一起在討論個案分析,他負責做筆記,會開到十一點多時,有人突然想到"唉呀!明天我們還有leadership case得念耶!" ,Sergio用他充滿磁性又低沉的聲音說," 別擔心,我剛順便把summary做完了",可是剛大家都看見他很專心的做個案的筆記,他是怎麼辦到的,至今仍是個迷。


Sergio, most handsome man from Madird, and was made a dad this January.

This guy is of wonder in some ways. He could provide his case summaries in a detailed, elegantly perfect manner sometimes it’s even better than the professor’s powerpoint.

I recalled one night we were discussing a assignment in ABP, he was the one making summaries for discussions. Just about eleven, someone found out we haven’t done anything for the case tomorrow, Sergio just said,” no worries , I just made a summary for that, too”. It was such a mystery how could he produced two summaries at the same time while everyone witnessed he was very involved in our discussions. So, we sometimes suspect that he actually has a twin.

A person of patience and you can always count on him .




他是個很可愛的工程師,他給人的第一印想就是個工程師。戴著大框眼鏡、 用fujisu電腦;其實阿弟是個很熱情的人,也是個很多話的人。上個月我們去看巴塞隆納網球公開賽,他很大聲的喊著”venga, venga, chamipon!”,他的願望就是要引起攝影鏡頭的注意, 坐在旁邊的亞洲人如我們都自動退開三步,只有他不以為意的撐完全場。


Aditya,born in India and worked as an IT engineer in Singapore.

He is a very typical but ethusiatic engineer. Last time we went to Barcelona Open, he was the only one shouting “ Venga venga Champion” all the way, trying to gain some attention from the cameras! Though a little but embrassing to conservative Asians like me, I like the way he keeps true to himself and speaks his heart ! it’s very easy to make friends with him.

Well, and I think he is the one who can really be wild after couple glassses of alchohol, I still hold some “evidence” of what he had done in our multi-culti party!


Gabriel ,以色列人 簡稱Gaby。他是我們年紀最大的老人家。今年一月時剛成了爸。Gaby先生一心一意要從事的工作叫”談判顧問 “,(這是由中東發展出來特殊需要),所以學校開出來的工作他一樣都沒投,他很知道自己要甚麼,很喜歡科技、是個Mac迷,是我們現任媒體電信科技社的社長,上次我們一起做LG的行銷報告,在他的指導下拿第一名。


Gabriel, also known as Gaby. If I am correct, he is the eldest on the team and also became a father this year.

He has a specialty in negotiation consulting. He is a tech savvy and a Mac fan. Last time he was helping in LG marketing project and we got an A! So now he is the president of the TMT club. Also a star fan he is, he once threw a marathon watching star wars from 1 to epidsode 3 ( that’s 6 movies from morning to night), and if I am correct, everyone except him did not complete the full series of star wars that day!

He is very gentle and cares a lot about his wife and family. And a good photographer, too. He could make a very good photography even with simple objects such as a spoon on a table.I like the way he make fun of himself; last time we were talking about if a company wants you to do a urine or a hair examine for drug taking, hair is the most effective because drugs retain in hairs much longer.Gaby just took off his hat and said with a happy smile,” This is the advantage of my bald head!”



Daniel 德國人 ??!!



他從投資銀行出身,一堆consulting ,IBD是主動信請他去面試,可見他不是普通的優秀,但依然不為所動。


Daniel, a German ??!!

To me, he’s a kind of a leader.

He is entertaining people most of the time, but he would be really serious and industrious when it comes to cases and team works. Very good logic and detail thinking, he could analyze things in both a broad framework and a elaborated insigts. I really appreciate that he asked a very good quality for his own job but he never critizes or demands others to do the same. He is also a father and his girls are really important parts of his life.

He is also an outstanding person. Worked in IBD, he even recieved interviews from Bootz consulting without having applied for it. But he wanted to start an interesting career by himself. He really showed me a German different from what I knew, not just serious, accurate and cautious but also considerate, humorous, polite and open-minded German.


我們沒人喜歡早起,但我們喜歡在一起。開會的起頭,總是幾杯咖啡,一些笑話,一點惡作劇,或是模仿某些教授滑稽的語調,或是放一些昨晚在 Youtube看到的好笑片段,然後才很有效率的進入正題。主席是每周輪一次,所以大家都有機會成為領導人,都有機會擔當起責任。


本文的第一張照片攝於兩周前,學校為我們辦了一個帆船活動,每組皆有一個教練與一艘帆船進行比賽。有段時間是Salone掌舵,他依然很人來瘋的說," now I am the boss, I say we screw the competition and sail to Lebanon!" Gaby馬上大叫說,"不不不,千萬不要,我會被扣押的!", Salone又說,"那去特拉維夫好了!",這下換Karim大聲疾呼。政治正確的觀點上,Gaby與Karim是兩個敵對國家,Gaby無法去黎巴嫩,Karim也無法進入以色列,若在阿聯,兩人交談是犯法的,但在這裡他們卻成了好朋友。最後大家船也不開了,拿出啤酒,吹著海風,飲對地中海。


We still have morning meetings today.

I believe no one likes to wake up early, walk that damn hill and showed up in the meeting room with sleepy eyes. But every morning we started the meetings with some coffee, some jokes imitating our funny professors, or some funny stuff found on youtube, it’s really enjoyable. I found a unique thing in this team is no one ever complains about someone being late, I mean real complaints, we did sometimes make jokes out of it but it’s never criticism And I know this is one of the reasons easily causing an argument in a team.

Maybe because the average age is older, represented by 3 fathers and me ( over 30 this yr, shit!), people tend to be very responsible and i also believe it’s the mutual responsible senses that make people more willing to give something in this team.

The first picture of this article was take two weeks ago on a sailing activity. There’s a time that Salone was driving and she said ," now I am the boss, I say we screw the competition and sail to Lebanon!" , on hearing that, Gaby yield, “ no no no , I will have problems in that place!”and Salone changed her mind ,” Tel-Aviv, then “, then Karim was complaining! Politically Israelis and Lebanese are hard to be friends, but here we are. We never sailed anywhere then , but we started drinking beers ON THE BOAT!!!!

I really start to miss these guys as the thought of leaving this team in a month. It’s such such a sblessing to be here with these outstanding and warming people!

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