My Beloved IESE friends, 

This moment shall be my last few hours in Barcelona, a place of memory of us. Allow me to express my few words in a simple peom below to thank you for your friendship. I began with Chinese version and end in a simple translation. Due to my ability and the huge difference between Chinese and English literature, the English version is rather very simple and not entirely translated from Chinese, but what I want to say to you is by no means any different.


流雲散盡  日朗氣清

妙風和煦  春還滿綠
蔓草佳樹  與君同行


今夕何夕 與君同行

今夕何幸 與君同吟

今夕何慶 與君同飲


月隱星稀 山憩琴寂

清曉待發 揚帆颯颯


 盼彼天涯 人靜安好

在水一方 人裕如華


葡萄佳釀 存留為你


Every morning I walked up the hill, through those summer greens, the withered winters and the spring blossoms.

I know my friends are waiting up the hill,

In the meeting room, in the classroom,

With a cup of coffee or two.

I know we have tasks to do

I know we have debates to begin

jokes to tell

surprises to meet

games to win

hope to seize


And my friends, how fortunate I am to have sit in the same spaces,

Shared the same windows, the same dawn, the same challenges, the same snowy days.


So, I will think of you when I see the sunsets !

drink the Mojitos.

watch the football games.

witness a cow.


My wishes for you


Across the oceans there you stand, well and peacefully in the arms of your own dreams.


And that someday we together

shall toast again !


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    [Book of Days]

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